Scarborough Little League keeps the safety of all players, volunteers, and families at the heart of all we do. As part of this, the Scarborough Little League Board appoints a Safety Officer and publishes its
ASAP - A Safety Awareness Plan that describes the policies, plans, and requirements that SLL adheres to.
The ASAP includes guidelines and requirements for the conduct of safe baseball and softball within Scarborough Little League.This includes player safety, and safe practices at practices and games.
In addition, all volunteers with Parkway Little League are required to complete the following steps:
Create a user account on the Scarborough Little League website (through SportsConnect).
2. Register as a volunteer for each appropriate program (eg. 2025 Baseball or Softball, by target divison):
- Click "Register Myself" (or you may click "Volunteer" on the account menu and the "Register Now! button).
- Choose the Program to support and complete all fields marked as required *.
3. Once per year (for most this will be before the start of the Spring season), undergo the Little League mandated background check.
Per national Little League policy, a
nationwide background check is completed. This is run through Little League's partner,
JDP . The league Safety Officer submits the personal information provided during the volunteer registration step to JDP. JDP then directly emails each volunteer a personalized link that each user must use to securely submit any data needed for the background check. Once this is complete, JDP will send the results back to the Safety Officer who will review them and confirm or take action as needed.
4. Based on function (coach or assistant coach, umpire, etc.) Scarborough Little League and/or Little League international may offer or provide additional training. This information will be provided as needed to our volunteers prior to the season.